Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ALA's Discovering Librarianship Recruitment Program

ALA is searching for volunteers to help develop programs for recruitment of high school and college students into librarianship. I'm not sure if my Residency qualifies me, I truly hope so, but I would love to participate in this program.  I'm an idea lady, and I think it would be really enjoyable to not only come up with methods and programs to reach potential future librarians, but actually engage in the sessions, as well. I also have had this desire since going to library school, to reach out to some smart and outgoing minority students that may have a negative or misguided idea about librarians and open their eyes to all the places and capacities in which librarians work.  I'm keeping my fingers, toes, legs, hair, etc. etc. crossed!

On a side note, I'm not really sure if my Residency qualifies me for the application process. However, I'm going to apply anyway.  I would encourage anyone that is also unsure about whether they meet the requirements, that if you do have a demonstrated interest in minority recruitment and retention in librarianship, that you also apply.  I wasn't a Spectrum Scholar, nor had I even heard of it until I graduated with my MLIS, but I do know that there are a number of great people out there that are trying to make a difference in our field that would love to be given some of the same chances as the Scholars.  I believe that is why ALA is beginning to broaden their recruitment initiative to include some of those outside of the Spectrum base. So apply!

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