Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Craziest Library Instruction Module You've Ever Seen!


I have been on a serious blog hiatus due to instructing and movie creating for an Art100 course and the Cherry Hill project. I knew what I was in for with the Cherry Hill project, but I wanted to top the year before, and am pretty sure I did. The new "movie" is more than twice the length of the last, includes voices and great information, but is actually too big to post online. (Working on that.)

As for the learning modules for an online Art100 course, I got extremely ambitious when asked by a wonderful instructor if I could take the reigns on teaching and assessing the students for the first 4 weeks on the research process, finding resources, and plagiarism and citation. It was about 4 times the work that I thought it would be, but I am SO glad I did. I was very naive in thinking that I could just create and construct 1 or 2 interactive videos every week for a month. (Each accompanied with a short quiz.) Sometimes people are frustrated by naivete, I find that it commands innovation within myself. I'm not going to NOT do it, after all.

Hopefully this will be helpful to my fellow librarians that are trying to figure out how to ramp up their library instruction this fall. I try to accommodate different learners when I'm constructing these and attempt to keep things light while conveying the importance of each activity. The following is the first instruction module; an introduction to the research process. I did email and attain permission when I used outside video. The students completed an accompanying quiz for each of the modules. The initial feedback has been very positive, so I hope that you feel ever so slightly inspired. A couple of my lovely librarian colleagues have used it for professional development activities, and I only ask any other librarians for large sums of money. However, if you do not have large sums of money to give to random art librarians, I just ask that you give me a little credit.

If you're new or newISH to Prezi, please make sure that you watch the first video on how to use Prezi so you don't miss anything. It may take a moment to load once you press the play arrow, so give it a moment. If you want to watch it again, you may need to refresh the page. I hope you enjoy!

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